All GFTI 2024-2025 All Branch Closing Rank GEN , EWS , OBC, SC , ST female Cut Off – CSE , Electrical

The authorities at the institute released the GFTI JEE Main cutoff . The cutoff is the minimum and maximum ranks that candidates need to secure to be eligible for admission to the institute. JEE Main cutoff is made available to candidates as opening and closing ranks. Candidates who secure ranks within the specified range are eligible to apply for admission. The authorities determine JEE Main cutoff for Computer Science Engineering and other branches on the basis of various factors such as the total number of candidates who applied for admissions, the difficulty level of JEE Main and so on. 2024-2025 Cut of GFTI will be released after JOSAA counselling,which we will upload immediately!Keep visiting this page.
JoSAA 2023 counselling all round cutoffs, or opening and closing ranks, are released. Candidates can check the JoSAA 2023 counselling cutoff for GFTIs for all rounds in this article below. Continue reading to know the detailed JoSAA Cutoff 2023 for GFTIs determining factors, previous year cutoff, etc.
The JoSAA 2023 Cutoff for all Rounds has been released by the authorities at Scroll down for the JoSAA 2023 Cutoff for Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, Round 5, and Round 6.
The opening and closing ranks for the Computer Science Engineering programme of GFTIs are available via the JoSAA 2023 cutoff. Closing ranks for several other courses offered at GFTIs are also available here. Candidates who qualify the JEE Main and JEE Advanced exams will be eligible for the JoSAA 2023 counselling process for admission to GFTIs. Candidates who have only a JEE Main score can also register for JoSAA 2023, but only for NITs, IIITs and GFTIs. The JoSAA counselling process will be conducted in multiple rounds, where the opening and closing ranks are released separately for each round. The JoSAA opening and closing ranks differ for the IITs, NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs.
All GFTI 2023-2024 All Branch Closing Rank
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