UPSC CMS final result 2023 out at; qualified candidates

UPSC CMS Final Result 2023: A total of 584 candidates have qualified for UPSC CMS category 1 and 677 have qualified for category 2 exam.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued the final result for the Combined Medical Services (CMS) exam 2023 on November 8. Candidates appeared for the exam can check the UPSC CMS 2023 final result through the official website,
A total of 584 candidates have qualified for UPSC CMS category 1 and 677 have qualified for category 2 exam.
Candidates can use their login credentials such as registration number and date of birth to download the UPSC CMS final result 2023.
“ The mark sheet is expected to be available on the website within fifteen days from the date of publication of result”, UPSC notification said.
UPSC conducted the written examination (Part-I) of CMS 2023 on July 16, 2023, and the personality test (Part-II) was conducted from October to November 2023.
UPSC CMS Final Result 2023: How to download
Candidates can follow the easy steps given below to download the UPSC CMS final result 2023.
- Visit the official website,
- On the homepage, click on “Combined Medical Services Examination, 2023”
- A new PDF file will open where candidates can check their roll numbers.
- Download the file and take a printout of the same for further need.