NEST result 2023 tomorrow at; check tie-breaking process

Candidates who appeared in the exam can check the results through the official website of NEST.
The National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) result 2023 will be released tomorrow, July 10. Candidates who have appeared for the NEST exam 2023 can check and download the result through the official website of NEST at
The NEST scorecard 2023 can be accessed by using the login ID and password at the NEST candidate’s login window.
Earlier, the NEST examination was conducted on June 24 and the answer key was released on June 28. The NEST answer key challenge window was closed on June 30, 2023.
NEST Result 2023: Tie-breaking policy
- In case of a tie in the NEST result, the institute will give preference to candidates who have higher marks in the general section.
- If the tie persists, the Class 12th marks of the candidates will be taken into consideration to determine the rank.
- If the tie still remains, candidates who are younger in age will be given preference in the NEST merit list.
NEST is a national-level entrance exam conducted for admission to the 5-year integrated MSc programmes in basic sciences, including biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. It is jointly conducted by the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, and the University of Mumbai – Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CEBS), Mumbai.