CUET PG answer key 2024 out for all subjects at; challenge by April 7

CUET PG 2024 results for 4,62,603 unique registered candidates will be declared based on the final answer key.
The Common University Entrance Test – Postgraduate (CUET PG 2024) answer key has been uploaded by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Candidates who appeared in the CUET PG exam will be able to download the provisional answer key from the official website,
The NTA administered 7,68,414 tests for about 4,62,603 unique registered candidates. A total of 157 question paper codes in 240 different mediums were prepared. The computer-based test (CBT) exam was held on March 11 to 28.
The CUET PG answer key challenge window has also been made available at Those who are not satisfied with the answers or find discrepancies in question ID will be allowed to raise objections against the answer key by paying a non-refundable fee of Rs 200 per question. The CUET PG answer key challenge facility will be closed on April 7.
A team of subject experts will review the challenges raised by candidates to prepare the final answer key. The CUET PG results 2024 will be based on the final answer key.
Four marks will be awarded for every correct answer and one mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer, as per the marking scheme. In case a question is dropped due to some technical error, full marks shall be given to all the candidates irrespective of the fact who have attempted it or not.
CUET PG result date 2024 will be announced soon. After the declaration of results, the 190 participating universities will be announcing a separate merit list and cut-off based on CUET score and their respective admission policy.
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