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    IIT Bombay To Declare JEE Advanced AAT 2022 Result Today

    Psychographic Society - IIT Bombay To Declare JEE Advanced AAT 2022 Result Today

    JEE Advanced AAT Result 2022: As per the schedule on jeeadv.ac.in website, the IIT JEE Advanced result AAT will be announced at 5 pm. To access and download the JEE Advanced AAT result 2022, candidates will have to use their JEE Advanced registration numbers, dates of birth and mobile phone numbers.

    The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, the administering body of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) will declare the JEE Advanced AAT 2022 result today, September 17. The jeeadv.ac.in website will host the JEE Advanced AAT result 2022. As per the schedule on jeeadv.ac.in website, the IIT JEE Advanced result AAT will be announced at 5 pm. To access and download the JEE Advanced AAT result 2022, candidates will have to use their JEE Advanced registration numbers, dates of birth and mobile phone numbers. JEE Advanced AAT was held on September 14.

    The JEE Advanced AAT is held for admission to undergraduate architecture programmes (BArch programmes) at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in Banaras Hindu University, Kharagpur and Roorkee. Students will have to meet the JEE Advanced AAT cut-off 2022 to be considered eligible for admission to the undergraduate architecture courses in the IITs.

    How To Check JEE Advanced AAT Results 2022

    1. Visit the official website — jeeadv.ac.in
    2. On the official website, click on the designated link — AAT 2022 result
    3. On the next window, insert JEE Advanced AAT registration numbers, dates of birth and mobile phone numbers
    4. Submit and access JEE Advanced AAT 2022 result

    Candidates securing marks above the cut-off will be declared pass in the JEE Advanced AAT test, an official statement said. There is no separate ranking and no separate cut-off for students of any category in JEE AAT. Allotment of seats will be solely based on the category-wise All India Rank in the JEE Advanced 2022 and BArch programme will be offered only to those candidates declared pass in JEE Advanced AAT, the statement added.

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