
    CBSE extends last date for registration of Class 9, 11 students for board exams 2024


    CBSE Board Exams 2024: School heads can complete registration of 9th, 11th students by October 25 without late fee.

    The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has extended the last date for the registration of Class 9 and Class 11 students for board exams 2024 till October 25. The school heads can check the revised schedule on the official website, cbse.gov.in.

    “Considering various representations received from schools, the schedule for submission of registration data of Class 9, 11, 2023-24 has been extended as follows,” said CBSE in an official notice.

    The revised schedule for registration of Class 9, 11 students is as follows:

    Fee slab

    Extended schedule

    Fee payment

    Without late fee

    Till October 25, 2023

    Date of finalization of data + 4 days

    With late fee

    October 26, 2023 to October 29, 2023

    Date of finalization of data + 4 days

    In another statement, the board said that it will not entertain a change in subject in the submitted List of Candidates (LOC) so as to ensure the timely preparation of exams.

    CBSE reminded that it was mentioned in the initial circular that the schools are required to submit the details of the students and subjects carefully as they will not be changed later.

    “Thereafter, CBSE has issued 4 reminders dated August 17, September 6, September 20, and September 26 wherein schools were reminded to complete their data and correctly fill the details of the students and subjects in the LOC. Thereafter, it was also mentioned that the subject correction after submission of LOC will not be entertained in any manner,” CBSE added.

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