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    Are you eligible for JEE Advanced 2025? IIT Kanpur answers FAQs on number of attempts, eligibility

    Jee advanced

    The Joint Admission Board (JAB) has reinstated the eligibility criteria for JEE Advanced 2025 to its standard provisions. Candidates are now permitted a maximum of two attempts within two consecutive years to appear for the JEE Advanced examination.

    Eligibility Criteria for JEE Advanced 2025:

    1. Performance in JEE Main 2025:
      • Candidates must rank among the top 2,50,000 (including all categories) in the JEE Main 2025 examination.
    2. Age Limit:
      • Candidates should have been born on or after October 1, 2000.
      • A relaxation of 5 years is provided for SC, ST, and PwD candidates, making their eligible birth date on or after October 1, 1995.
    3. Number of Attempts:
      • A candidate can attempt JEE Advanced a maximum of two times in two consecutive years.
    4. Qualifying Examination:
      • Candidates must have appeared for the Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in either 2024 or 2025.
      • However, if the result of the 2023 examination was declared after June 2023, those candidates are also eligible, provided they meet the other eligibility criteria.
    5. Prior Admission at IITs:
      • Candidates who have accepted admission at any IIT through earlier JEE Advanced exams are not eligible to appear in JEE Advanced 2025.
      • Additionally, candidates whose admission at IITs was canceled after joining are also not eligible.

    For comprehensive details and any updates, candidates are advised to refer to the official JEE Advanced 2025 information brochure and the official website.


















































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