The NTA is likely to announce the results of JEE Mains 2022 for session 2 soon. (ANI)

JEE Mains Results 2022 session 2: The NTA has already released the Provisional Answer Keys for Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.), Paper 2A (B.Arch.), and Paper 2B (B.Planning) on the website on August 3.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) is likely to announce the results of JEE Mains 2022 for session 2 soon. Candidates can check the results on the official website of NTA, that is, . The officials informed Careers360 that the JEE Main 2022 for session 2 will be released today i.e. 6 August. The exam was conducted from July 25 to July 30. Over six lakh students appeared for the JEE Mains 2022 session 2 exam this year.
The exams were held in two shifts, with the first shift starting at 9 am and ending at 12 pm, while the second shift started at 3 pm and ended at 6 pm. The question paper comprised of a total of 90 questions, although candidates were required to attempt only 75 of them.
The NTA has already released the Provisional Answer Keys for Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.), Paper 2A (B.Arch.), and Paper 2B (B.Planning) along with the Question Paper with Recorded Responses on the website on August 3.
How to calculate NTA score?
The NTA Score of a candidate has been calculated as follows:
100 X Number of candidates appeared in the ‘Session’ with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate. Total number of the candidates who appeared in the ‘Session’ NTA score is not the same as the percentage of marks obtained.
After both Sessions of JEE (Main) – 2022 Examination, the ranks of the candidates will be released taking into consideration the best of the two NTA Scores in accordance with the policy already made.
What is NTA score?
NTA Scores are normalized scores across multi-session papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the examination in one session. The marks obtained are converted into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.