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    Vidya Vihar Career Plus Marks Excellence with VVCP SAT Award Ceremony and Career Counseling Session

    It sounds like you’re referring to a prestigious event held at Vidya Vihar Career Plus, featuring the “VVCP SAT Award Ceremony” and a Career Counseling Session. These types of events are typically focused on celebrating student achievements, especially in areas like SAT performance, and offering guidance on career development.   Vidya Vihar Career Plus (VVCP)…

    Vikas Kumar-Best Career Counselor In Jharkhand , Bihar
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    Vikas Kumar-Best Career Counselor In Jharkhand , Bihar

    Vikas Kumar Career Counselor & Psychologist   Vikas Kumar is one of the most popular counselors in Ranchi & Jharkhand-Bihar having guided more than 50,000 students and parents in Jharkhand and across the nation. He has addressed more than 500 seminars and Programs in Ranchi, Bokaro, Dhanbad, Hazaribagh, Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Nagpur, Indore, Bhopal and…

    Vikas Kumar-Best Career Counselor In Ranchi
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    Vikas Kumar-Best Career Counselor In Ranchi

    Vikas Kumar Career Counselor & Psychologist   Vikas Kumar is one of the most popular counselors in Ranchi & Jharkhand-Bihar having guided more than 50,000 students and parents in Jharkhand and across the nation. He has addressed more than 500 seminars and Programs in Ranchi, Bokaro, Dhanbad, Hazaribagh, Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Nagpur, Indore, Bhopal and…

    Vikas Kumar is in Lady KC Roy Memorial School for Counselling  Session
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    Vikas Kumar is in Lady KC Roy Memorial School for Counselling Session

    30th January 2024 Vikas Kumar is in Lady KC Roy Memorial School for career counselling sessions The board examination is round the corner and fear of not performing well causes great anxiety among the students. It is important for students to be in a calm state of mind and to deal with any emotion that…

    Vikas Kumar Sir is in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya , Bokaro for Career Counselling Program
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    Vikas Kumar Sir is in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya , Bokaro for Career Counselling Program

    Career counselling seminar for Students of std 9th,10th, 11th and 12th in different sessions Also Read-  Vikas Kumar  Best Career Counselling Centre @ Ranchi Best career counsellor of Bihar – Jharkhand – Youtube

    विकास कुमार सर ने गढ़वा में किया करियर काउंसलिंग सेमिनार

    विकास कुमार सर ने गढ़वा में किया करियर काउंसलिंग सेमिनार

    दिन गुरुवार को जिला गढ़वा में कौशल मेला – सह – मेगा युवा करियर मार्गदर्शन कार्यशाला तत्वाधान में समूह की किशोरियों तथा युवाओं के साथ कैरियर मार्गदर्शन कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया। इस दौरान बड़ी संख्या में युवक युवतियों ने बढ़ चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया। कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि श्री मिथलेश ठाकुर मंत्री गवर्नमेंट ऑफ़…

    Vikas Kumar Sir is in VIDYA Vihar Residential School Purnia for school integrated counselling Program
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    Vikas Kumar Sir is in VIDYA Vihar Residential School Purnia for school integrated counselling Program

    4th August – VIDYA Vihar Residential School Purnia Today 4 session 9 am – Std 10 11.30 am- Std 8 and Std 9 2.30 pm- Std 11 and Std 12– PCM/ PCB and Special Interaction with students of Career plus 4.00 pm – XI/XII – commerce There was one interaction with faculty members of Career…

    Vikas Kumar Sir is in Notre Dame Academy , Jamalpur for school integrated counselling Program

    Vikas Kumar Sir is in Notre Dame Academy , Jamalpur for school integrated counselling Program

    1st August & 2nd August Vikas Kumar is in NDA Jamalpur for career counselling sessions 1 August- NDA- Jamalpur Pleasure to be in my School- NDA- Jamalpur Conducted Teacher’s Workshop- on Stress Management 2nd August- NDA Jamalpur Career Counselling Session 1- std 9 and 10 Session 2- Std 11 and 12 Thanking Sister Meena- Principal-…

    Vikas Kumar Sir is in Notre Dame Academy , Munger  for counselling Program
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    Vikas Kumar Sir is in Notre Dame Academy , Munger for counselling Program

    3rd August! Vikas Kumar is in NDA Munger for career counselling sessions   Pleasure and Privilege to be in School where Vikas Kumar Sir studied in Std 6 and Std 7. Career Counseling session for Students of Std 9 and Std 10th Session of 1 hour lasted for 2 hours – the children kept asking…