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    Students with rank up to 1.85 lakh in JEE Main can get admission in BIT Sindri

    Psychographic Society - Students with rank up to 1.85 lakh in JEE Main can get admission in BIT Sindri

    In all government and private engineering colleges of the state including BIT Sindri in the session 2022 – 2023
    Admission will be done through the rank of JEE Main !!

    The following branches and seats are available in BIT Sindri
    38 seats in computer science and engineering, 40 seats in information technology, mechanical
    105 seats in engineering, 99 seats in electrical engineering, 54 seats in production engineering
    54 seats in metallurgical engineering, 91 seats in chemical engineering, 98 in civil engineering
    Seats, 52 seats in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 49 seats in Meaning Engineering,

    What is the closing rank for General Category
    JEE Main All India Rank 50206 in Computer Science and Engineering for General Category,
    70748 in Information Technology, 104349 in Mechanical Engineering, and Production Engineering
    in 185086

    What is the closing rank of EWS Category
    In EWS Category JEE Main All India Rank 94981, Mechanical Engineering 106249, and
    in Production Engineering 195525

    What is the closing rank of BC 1
    BC 1 Category Closing Rank in Information Technology JEE Main All India Rank 72906 ,
    76783 in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 112498 in Mechanical Engineering,
    163563 in Chemical Engineering

    What is the closing rank of BC 2
    BC 2 Category Closing Rank of Computer Science & Engineering JEE Main All India Rank
    64433 , Closing Rank of Electrical Engineering is 84137 , and Production Engineering is 259075

    What is the closing rank of SC category

    The closing rank of SC category computer science is 188179, information technology is 232728,
    and 343536 of Production Engineering

    What is the closing rank of ST category
    ST Category is the closing rank of Computer Science JEE Main All India Rank 399534
    433277 of Information Technology and 6312165 of Production Engineering

    Fee :
    In the first year by imposing administrative fee and hostel charge, the fee for one year is around 1 lakh, second
    -Third and fourth year around 60 thousand,
    The fee for General and OBC is different, the fee for SC and ST category is different. for day scholar
    There is a separate fee and there is also a provision of Tuition fee waiver here!!!!

    Tips for parents
    1. Fill the online application before 20th
    2 Closing rank for each branch – Understand the scope of studies and placements
    3 Participate in this counseling along with JoSAA counseling till the end
    4. Children are overconfident so parents will also have to understand

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