
    NLSAT 2024 registration ends today at admissions.nls.ac.in; selection process

    Psychographic Society - NLSAT 2024 registration ends today at admissions.nls.ac.in; selection process

    The NLSIU Bengaluru will conduct the NLSAT-LLB, NLSAT-MPP and NLSAT-PhD on March 17.


    The National Law School of India University Bengaluru (NLSIU Bengaluru) will close the registration window for the National Law School Admission Test (NLSAT 2024) for three-year LLB, two-year MA Public Policy, PhD programmes today on the official website, admissions.nls.ac.in. The NLSIU Bengaluru will conduct the NLSAT-LLB, NLSAT-MPP, NLSAT-PhD on March 17 from 10 AM to 12.30 PM.

    The NLSIU Bengaluru is conducting the NLSAT-LLB and NLSAT-MPP for admitting 120 students each in three-year LLB (Hons) and two-year Master’s in Public Policy programmes. The NLSAT-LLB and NLSAT-MPP will have a single question paper comprising two parts – Parts A and B. All candidates shall be required to attempt both parts of the question paper in 150 minutes.

    Selection process

    The Part A of the NLSAT paper will consist of 75 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) of one mark each. For every wrong response, .25 marks will be deducted. Part A will constitute the first stage of the admissions process. A rank list of candidates will be prepared based on their performance in Part A of the NLSAT-LLB. To be eligible for evaluation of Part B of the NLSAT paper, a candidate should have secured more than zero marks in Part A.

    From amongst these eligible candidates, Part B of the NLSAT answer scripts will be evaluated in a ratio of 1:5 based on performance in Part A.

    The Part B shall consist of subjective questions which shall be for a maximum of 75 marks. A fresh and final rank list shall be prepared based on the cumulative performance in Parts A and B of the NLSAT. Offers of admission shall be made according to this final rank list subject to the candidate satisfying the following conditions:

    The candidate should have secured more than zero marks in both Parts A and B of the NLSAT.

    (b) The candidate’s cumulative score (sum of Part A and Part B) should be above the 75th percentile of the eligible candidates if they have applied under the general and EWS categories. Their score should be above the 40th percentile of the eligible candidates if they have applied under the SC, ST, OBC-NCL or PwD categories.

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