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    NIT Sikkim 2023-24 Closing Rank – GEN , EWS , OBC, SC , ST Cut Off -CSE , Electrical

    Psychographic Society - NIT Sikkim 2023-24 Closing Rank – GEN , EWS , OBC, SC , ST Cut Off -CSE , Electrical

    The authorities at the institute released the NIT JEE Main cutoff for NIT Sikkim . The NIT Sikkim cutoff is the minimum and maximum ranks that candidates need to secure to be eligible for admission to the institute. The Sikkim JEE Main cutoff is made available to candidates as opening and closing ranks. Candidates who secure ranks within the specified range are eligible to apply for admission at NIT Sikkim. The authorities determine the NIT Sikkim JEE Main cutoff for Computer Science Engineering and other branches on the basis of various factors such as the total number of candidates who applied for admissions, the difficulty level of JEE Main and so on. NIT Sikkim cutoff is updated here in this article for the previous year released by the authorities.




     NIT Sikkim
    Academic Program Name(Gender-Neutral–4 Years) Other State Quota – Round 6
    Computer Science and Engineering1956624093NANA715491953514372615751575
    Electronics and Communication Engineering3364135568NANA11087111474429473419611961
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering3544840863NANA12402131866493660023322332
    Mechanical Engineering4424449141NANA15039161725521552130123012
    Civil Engineering5158755629NANA167831791782418241NANA
    Academic Program Name(Female-only (including Supernumerary)–4 Years) Other State Quota – Round 6
    Computer Science and Engineering2901134462NANA143491434967446744NANA
    Electronics and Communication Engineering4043840438NANA179321793285438543NANA
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering4597345973NANA18225182251119011190NANA


    Academic Program Name(Female-only (including Supernumerary)–4 Years) Other State Quota – Round 6
    Mechanical Engineering5740658776NANANANANANA44374437
    Civil Engineering5997759977NANA19882198821092410924NANA





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