JEE Main 2024 correction window opens tomorrow at; photo specifications

JEE Main Session 1: The NTA will conduct the JEE Main January session from January 24 to February 1. Know how to edit the JEE application form.
Applicants will have to login with the application number and password generated during the registration process or through Digilocker, ABC ID to make changes in the JEE Mains form 2024. The last date to edit the form is December 8.
They will be allowed to make edits in the personal details, exam cities, number of papers applying for, educational qualifications, and documents uploaded. The NTA has also answered frequently asked questions on JEE Main correction facility.
As per the latest update, the testing agency has asked the applicants to upload scanned images of the documents in the registration window. They are required to upload a recent photograph, signature, PwD certificate, educational qualification certificate.
A photograph should be either in colour or black and white with 80% face visible including ears against a white background. Students should not be wearing glasses, cap, masks in the photograph.
The scanned photograph should be in JPG, JPEG format with size between 10 kb to 200 kb. The size of the scanned signature image should be between 4 kb to 30 kb. The scanned PwD certificate should be uploaded in PDF format with file size between 50 kb to 300 kb.
Candidates should login using the credentials generated and choose the edit option to make changes.