CSIR UGC NET December 2023 answer key objection window closes today at csirnet.nta.ac.in

Students raising grievances against the CSIR UGC NET December 2023 answer key will have to submit a fee of Rs 200 per question challenged.
The National Testing Agency will close the window to raise objections against the Joint Central Scientific and Industrial Research–University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (Joint CSIR-UGC NET) December 2023 provisional answer key today. Candidates who appeared in the CSIR UGC NET December 2023 exam can raise grievances against the answer key on the official website, csirnet.nta.ac.in.
A total of 2,19,146 candidates appeared in the computer-based test on December 26, 27 and 28, 2023. They will be able to download the answer key, question paper and response sheet from the official website. The exam was held at 356 centres located in 176 cities.
Students will have to submit a non-refundable fee of Rs 200 per question challenged. The exam was held for five subjects – life sciences, chemical sciences, mathematical sciences, physical sciences, and earth sciences. Each paper was worth 200 marks.
The CSIR-UGC NET is held to select students to receive Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) scholarship and assess candidates’ eligibility for lectureships. The exam was conducted in Hindi and English languages.
CSIR NET Answer Key: Steps to raise objections?
Candidates can follow this process to submit objections against the CSIR UGC NET answer key. The CSIR UGC NET answer key objection window will be closed at 1.150 pm on January 8.
- Visit the CSIR UGC NET official website, csirnet.nta.ac.in.
- Click on the challenge window and enter application number and date of birth.
- Click on “View Question Paper” for marked responses and to view or challenge the
- answer keys
- Now, select the “Click to view /Challenge Answer Key” link.
- Question IDs in sequential order will be displayed.
- If you wish to challenge the option, select one or more of the Option IDs given
- in the next four columns by clicking the check box.
- Upload the supporting documents and save your claim.
- Pay the objection fees for each question challenged.
- Submit and save the confirmation page.
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