CSAB Counselling 2024: Special round 1 cut-off out at csab.nic.in; closing ranks, determining factor

CSAB 2024 Special Round Counselling: Candidates are required to confirm seat and pay admission fee by August 7.
The Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) has announced the CSAB special round 1 cut-off 2024. Candidates who have registered for the counselling can check the CSAB 2024 special round seat allotment result and cut-off by visiting the official website, csab.nic.in.
The CSAB 2024 special round seat allotment result has been declared on August 6. As per the CSAB special round 2024 counselling schedule, candidates are required to pay the college admission fee by August 7. Candidates can download allotment letter, provisional admission letter and proceed for final admission at allotted Institute as per schedule. The seat withdrawal option for CSAB 2024 special round 1 is available till August 8.
CSAB 2024 Special Round Cut-off: Determining factors
The cut-off for the CSAB (Central Seat Allocation Board) special round is influenced by several factors, including:
Number of candidates: The total number of candidates participating in the special round impacts the cut-off. Higher competition can lead to higher cut-offs.
Seat availability: The number of vacant seats left after the regular rounds of counselling plays a crucial role. Fewer available seats can result in higher cut-offs.
Candidate preferences: The choices filled by candidates during the special round of counselling influence the cut-offs. Popular courses and institutions may have higher cut-offs due to higher demand.
Previous year cut-offs: Cut-offs from previous years can set a benchmark and influence current year trends.
Category of the candidate: Different categories (General, OBC, SC, ST,) have separate cut-offs, impacting the overall cut-off trends for each category.
Institute reputation and course popularity: Institutes and courses with higher reputations and popularity tend to have higher cut-offs due to increased demand.
Performance of candidates: The overall performance of candidates in the entrance exams (JEE Main, etc.) affects the cut-offs. Higher scores can push the cut-off higher.
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