CBSE initiates action against 30 X handles using its name, logo; advises students to follow official

CBSE advised students to follow its official X (formerly Twitter) handle, @cbseindia29 for board related information.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has initiated against 30 social media handles which are using the board’s name or logo on X (formerly Twitter). CBSE found these handles to be misleading and advised students to follow its official X handle only.
“It has come to notice of Central Board of Secondary Education that the following handles have been found to be using the name and/or logo of CBSE , with a view to mislead the general public on X ( Formerly Twitter ),” said CBSE in a public advisory.
The X handles mentioned by the board are given below:
User name | Handle |
CBSE HQ | @Cbse_official |
CBSE | @cbseboard |
CBSE | @CBSEWorld |
CBSE Updates | @CBSEUpdates |
CBSE Results | @CBSE_Results |
CBSE Library | @cbseLibrary |
CBSE Portal | @cbseportal |
CBSE Results | @cbseexamresults |
CBSE Guide | @cbse_guide |
CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) | @pariksaguru |
CBSE queries are solved | @CBSE_HQ |
CBSE Updates | @cbse_updates |
CBSE Exam Time Table | @CbscExam |
CBSE Board Results | @getcbseresults |
CBSE Exams Reports | @cbsecancelexams |
CBSE Campus | @cbsecampus |
CBSE News Alert | @CBSENewsAlert |
CBSE | @cbse_nic_in |
CBSE | @CBSEExams |
CBSE Board Result | @cbse2017result |
CBSE Zone | @cbsezone |
CTET CBSE | @ctetcbse |
Online CBSE | @onlinecbse |
CBSE Result | @cbse_result |
CBSE HQ | @cbsehq2016 |
“It is hereby informed that appropriate action is being initiated against these Social Media Handles,” the board said.
CBSE cautioned and advised students, teachers, parents, and others to follow only the official X handle, which is @cbseindia29 for verified and authentic information related to the board.
“CBSE will not be responsible hereinafter for any information given by any other source using the name and logo of CBSE in any of the style on social media platforms and accessed by the public,” CBSE further stated.