
    CBSE Class 12 English board exam 2024 tomorrow; section-wise questions, marking scheme


    CBSE board exam 2024 for English paper will be held from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. Last year, more than 16 lakh students registered for Class 12 exams.


    The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the Class 12 English paper today. Students who have opted for English elective and English core will be appearing in the board exam 2024. The CBSE Class 12 English board exam 2024 will be held for a total of 80 marks. The remaining 20 marks will be based on internal assessment.



    As per the CBSE Class 12 board exam date sheet 2024, the board will conduct exams for minor subjects such as retail, agriculture, multimedia and typography and computer application on February 23 and 24 respectively. Students will be appearing in the chemistry exam on February 27.

    Last year, Class 12 students rated the English paper as ‘easy’ and said the questions were direct and not tricky.

    CBSE Class 12 English: Section-wise topics, marks

    CBSE Class 12 English question paper will have three sections – reading comprehension, literature, writing section.


    Marking Scheme

    Reading Comprehension

    26 marks

    Grammar and creative writing skills

    23 marks


    31 marks


    80 marks



    Section A Reading comprehension – One unseen passage and one case-based factual passage with verbal and visual inputs such as statistical data, charts to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and vocabulary. The passage may be factual, descriptive or literary. The combined word limit for both the passages will be 600-750.

    Based on the passage, students will be asked multiple-choice questions and objective type questions, which will carry 18 marks.

    Note making will be given 5 marks and summarization based on a passage of approximately 200-250 words will carry 3 marks. In all, this section will carry 26 marks.

    Section B Grammar and creative writing skills – Questions on gap filling such as tenses, clauses and questions on re-ordering and transformation of sentences will carry 7 marks. For the short and long writing task, students will be given one option in each question.

    Short writing tasks will ask students to write classified advertisements and posters up to 50 words carrying 3 marks each. The long writing task will include speech writing and debate based on cues related to contemporary and age-appropriate topics. The long answers will carry 5 marks each.

    Section C Literature – This section will carry 31 marks and will have MCQs, objective type, short answer and long answer type questions. Take a look at the type of question and the NCERT books details here.

    Question type


    One poetry extract out of two, from the book Hornbill


    One prose extract out of two, from the book Hornbill


    One prose extract out of two, from the book Snapshots


    Two short answer type questions – one from prose and one from poetry, from the

    book Hornbill – to be answered in 40-50 words

    3×2 = 6 marks

    One short answer type question from the book Snapshots


    One long answer type question, from prose or poetry of Hornbill, to be answered in 120-150 words


    One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Snapshots,

    to be answered in 120-150 words



    31 marks





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