CA Foundation 2023: Candidates can apply for ICAI December 2023 exam by July 1

ICAI CA Foundation Exam: Canddiates under the existing scheme of education and training can apply online at
“Candidates eligible for December 2023 CA Foundation Examination under the Existing Scheme of Education and Training, are advised to register in the Foundation Course on or before 1st July, 2023,” a statement on the ICAI website read.
The ICAI CA Foundation exams in December will be conducted between December 16 and December 20.
CA Foundation December 2023 Exams: Steps to apply
1. Visit the official website —
2. Login at the CA portal using credentials or register with names, email addresses and nationality
3. Fill the ICAI CA application form and pay online fee
4. Save and download the form for further use
The ICAI CA December exam 2023 will be conducted for a total of four papers — Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3 and Paper 4.