Standard 8th-9th Career Information Counselling

    Psychographic Society - Standard 8th-9th Career Information Counselling

    Different career option available.


    Career  Information Counselling:  To Guide Students regarding their different Competitive exams like  NTSE-Olympiad –JEE Advanced-AIPMT-CA .   . It is designed to help student to set their goal based on

    • Psychometric Test,
    • Aptitude and
    • One to One Session.
    • It is One Session Counselling but for those who can come twice One Session is for students and exclusively for Parents.

    It will help Students and Parents :

    1. To Understand different Career Options Available
    2. To take first decision regarding career Goal
    3. To Understand the difficulty level and Start Preparation accordingly
    4. To optimize performance with better  Clarity