JoSAA Counseling 2022 IITs NITs IIITs GFTIs Admission Seat Matrix Released, 54,477 seats will be admitted

There has been an increase of 366 seats in IITs, 980 seats in IIITs, 980 in Triple IT (IIITs) and 681 in GFTIs.
There is good news for the students who want to take admission in IIT and want to study. JoSAA counseling seat matrix has been released on the official website of JoSAA even before the release of JEE Advanced 2022 result. As per the JoSAA seat matrix of 2022, 16,598 seats of 23 IITs in the country will be admitted this year, which is 366 more than last year. Last year, a total of 16,232 seats were admitted. Its information was released on the website of Joint Counseling (JOSAA) of IIT-NIT.
Institute Name | No. Of Institute | Total |
IITs | 23 | 16598 |
NITs | 31 + IEST Shibpur | 23994 |
IIITs | 26 | 7126 |
GFTIs | 33 | 6759 |
Total | 114 | 54477 |
Admission to 54,477 seats in IITs NITs IIITs GFTIs
Similarly, 980 seats have increased in Triple IT (IIITs) and 681 in GFTIs. Thus, this year 2024 seats have increased, out of which 1490 are from gender neutral pool and 534 seats from super numerical female pool. Career Counseling Expert Vikas Kumar said that this year, through JoSAA counseling, a total of 54,477 seats of 23 IITs, 32 NITs, 33 GFTIs and 26 TripleITs will be admitted. In which 16,598 of 23 IITs, in which 15,031 seats are of gender neutral pool and 1,567 of supernumerary female pool.
Know seat matrix of 2021
Si. No. | Branch | Total Seats | General | EWS | OBC | SC | ST | All CAT PWD | Total Seats 2021 CSE |
1 | IITs | 16232 | 6260 | 1526 | 4165 | 2304 | 1161 | 816 | 1895 |
2 | NITs | 23997 | 9147 | 2359 | 5894 | 3341 | 2043 | 1213 | 3633 |
3 | IIITs | 6146 | 2442 | 548 | 1561 | 876 | 438 | 281 | 3030 |
4 | GFTIs | 6078 | 2906 | 564 | 1028 | 809 | 485 | 286 | 871 |
Total | 52453 | 20755 | 4997 | 12648 | 7330 | 4127 | 2596 | 9429 |
JOSAA Counselling: 23,994 seats of 32 NITs will also be admitted
Similarly, out of 23,994 seats in 32 NITs, 23,245 have gender neutral pool and 749 super numerical female pool. There are 6,501 gender neutral pools and 625 super numeric female pools out of 26 triple IT seats in 7,126 seats. At the same time, out of 6,759 seats in 33 GFTIs, 6,729 belong to the gender neutral pool and 30 supernumerary female pools. Out of 54,477 seats, 51,506 seats will be allotted from gender neutral pool and 2,971 seats from super numerical female pool by JoSAA counseling comprising all IITs, NITs and Triple ITs.
How to Check JOSAA Counseling 2022 Seat Matrix
Candidates can visit the website of Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JOSAA) i.e. Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JOSAA) for more details. After going to the home page, candidates click on the option of Seat Matrix 2022.