JCECEB 2022: First phase counseling for engineering colleges begins, choice filling till October 3

JCECEB 2022 has started the first phase counseling for the engineering colleges of the state. 2801 students included in the state merit list are doing choice filling in 16 engineering colleges. The board has given time till October 3 for choice filling.
JCECEB 2022 has started the first phase counseling for the engineering colleges of the state. 2801 students included in the state merit list are doing choice filling in 16 engineering colleges. The board has given time till October 3 for choice filling. After this, the students will be given two days time (4th and 5th October, till 05 pm) to change the choice.
Enrollment process till October 15
The seat allotment certificate of the students will be issued on October 10. Students will be able to complete the enrollment process by October 15 after checking the documents in the respective college by downloading the certificate from their login.
Students looking for possibilities in CS and IT
In the engineering colleges of the state, students are making computer science the first choice in the top branch. Apart from this, giving priority to Information Technology, Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Civil Engineering in other choice branches.