JAC Chandigarh Counseling 2022: First Seat Allotment List Today At Jacchd.admissions.nic.in

JAC Chandigarh Counseling 2022: “Result of first round of seat allotment will be made tomorrow i.e. 21.09.2022 afternoon,” the notification mentioned. Candidates can download the round one allotment result on the official website – jacchd.admissions.nic.in
The Joint Admission Committee (JAC) Chandigarh first seat allotment list will be released today, September 21. “Result of first round of seat allotment will be made tomorrow i.e. 21.09.2022 afternoon,” the notification mentioned. Candidates can download the round one allotment result on the official website – jacchd.admissions.nic.in.
The JAC counselling mock allotment result was earlier released on September 20, and candidates were able to fill their choices till midnight.
JAC Chandigarh Counseling 2022: Steps To Check First Allotment Result
- Visit the website – jacchd.admissions.nic.in
- On the homepage, click on the “View Mock (Purely Indicative) Allotment Details” link
- Enter the login credentials
- The JAC Chandigarh Counseling 2022 mock allotment result will appear on the screen
- Download and take a printout of the mock allotment result for future reference.
JAC conducts admissions to BE, BArch, Integrated BE (Chemical), and MBA programmes offered by institutes in Chandigarh on the basis of JEE Main scores and pass percentage secured in Class 12 or equivalent examination. Since admissions are based on All India Ranks of JEE Main, there is no entrance exam. Candidates only need to register for the counselling process conducted by JAC.