ICAI CA Foundation June 2023 exams begin today; exam timings, important instructions

ICAI CA Foundation June 2023 exams begin today; exam timings, important instructions
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) will start conducting the CA Foundation 2023 June session exams from today, June 24, 2023. Candidates who registered for the June session can download their admit cards on the official website – icai.org. ICAI CA Foundation June 2023 will be held from June 24 to June 30.
ICAI CA Foundation June 2023 will be conducted for a duration of three hours. The exams will be conducted in a single shift from 2 pm to 5 pm. Students will get 15 minutes for reading the question paper in Paper 1 and Paper 2 from 1:45 pm to 2 pm. While candidates will be allowed to enter the exam centre 15 minutes late, they will not be allowed to leave the exam hall before the conclusion of the test.
ICAI CA Foundation June 2023 exam dates, timings
Paper | Subject | Date | Timings |
Paper 1 | Principles and Practice of Accounting | June 24, 2023 | 2 pm to 5 pm |
Paper 2 | Section A :Business Laws Correspondence and Reporting | June 26, 2023 | 2 pm to 5 pm |
Paper 3 | Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and Statistics | June 28, 2023 | 2 pm to 4 pm |
Paper 4 | Business Economics and Business and Commercial Knowledge | June 30, 2023 | 2 pm to 4 pm |
ICAI CA Foundation 2023: Exam-day instructions
- Carry a print out of admit card and a valid government-issued ID proof.
- Reach the examination centre well in advance
- Candidates will be allowed 15 minutes of reading time before the commencement of paper 1, 2.
- Candidates will not be allowed to leave the exam room until the exam is over even if they have completed their test.
- Candidates will have to submit the question paper and the OMR response sheet before leaving the exam hall.
- Candidates will be allowed to carry a calculator, pen, pencil, and analogue watch.