CA Inter result November 2023 declared at; 9.73% candidates pass

CA Inter Result 2023: Candidates can download CA Inter Nov result with the help of their registration number and roll number.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has declared the CA Inter result November 2023 today, January 9, 2024. Students who appeared for ICAI CA inter exams for the November session can download their results on the official website –
In order to download the CA Inter score cards, candidates will have to enter their registration number and roll number in the result login window.
This year, a total of 53,459 candidates appeared for the group 1 and group 2 exams. Of this, only 5,204 candidates passed the exams. The overall pass percentage stands at 9.73 percent. 1,17,304 candidates sat for group 1 exams of which 19,686 candidates passed the exam. The pass percentage for group 1 students stands at 16.78%. For group 2 exams, 93,638 candidates appeared of which 17,957 qualified. The pass percentage for group 2 is 19.18%.
How to download CA Inter result November 2023?
- Go to the official website of ICAI –
- Click on the link for intermediate result Nov 2023
- Enter login credentials such as PIN number and date of birth or application number
- CA intermediate result November 2023 will be displayed on the screen
- Download the scorecard and take a print out for future reference
Inter CA Result Nov 2023: Details mentioned
Candidates will find the following information on their CA Intermediate scorecard 2023:
- Name of candidate
- Roll number of candidate
- Marks obtained in group 1 and group 2 exams.
- Qualifying status of the candidate in Group 1 and Group 2
- Combined score of Group 1 and Group 2
CA Inter November 2023 exams were held from November 2 to November 17, 2023. While group 1 exams were held on November 2, 4, 6, and 8, the group 2 exams were conducted on November 10, 13, and 15.
In the last session, Y Gokul Sai Sreekar secured the first rank in CA Intermediate exams by scoring 688 marks. The second and third toppers were Noor Singla and Kavya Sandeep Kothar. A total of 39,195 candidates appeared in CA Intermediate exams of which 4,014 candidates qualified. The pass percentage for CA Inter stood at 10.24%.