
    ICAI CA November-December 2023 application correction ends today; what’s next

    Psychographic Society - ICAI CA November-December 2023 application correction ends today; what's next

    ICAI CA November-December 2023: Candidates can make changes in their application form through the official website, icaiexam.icai.org till 11: 50 pm.

    The Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants of India will close the ICAI CA November-December 2023 application correction window, September 7, 2023. Candidates can make changes in their application form through the official website of ICAI, icaiexam.icai.org till 11: 50 pm.

    Candidates can use their login credentials such as registration number and password to make the changes in the ICAI CA November-December 2023 application form.

    ICAI CA November-December 2023: Check schedule

    CA Intermediate exam dates (Group I)November 2, 4, 6 and 8, 2023
    CA Intermediate exam dates (Group II)November 10, 13, 15 and 17, 2023
    CA Final exam dates (Group I)November 1, 3, 5 and 7, 2023
    CA Final exam dates (Group II)November 9, 11, 14 and 16, 2023

    ICAI CA November-December 2023 Application form: How to make changes

    Candidates can follow the easy steps given below to make changes in the ICAI CA November-December 2023 application correction form.

    Step 1: Visit the official website of ICAI, icaiexam.icai.org

    Step 2: Click on the CA November-December 2023 application link

    Step 3: Login using the registration number and password

    Step 4: Make the necessary changes in the fields provided

    Step 5: Save the changes and click on the final submission link

    Step 6: Download and take a printout of the same for further references.

    ICAI CA November-December 2023: What’s next

    ICAI will now release the CA admit card for November- December exam 2023 soon. Once released, candidates will be able to download the ICAI CA November-December admit card 2023 through the official website- icaiexam.icai.org.

    Candidates can use their login details such as login id and password or date of birth to download the ICAI CA admit card 2023. The admit card release dates will be announced in due course of time.

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