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    JEE Main- 1: 653 candidates appeared for the exam, 16 were absent


    Bokaro. A total of 653 candidates appeared for the first session of the Joint Entrance Examination Main (JEE Main) issued by the National Examination Agency (NTA) for admission to engineering institutes at two examination centers in Bokaro on Wednesday. Whereas, out of a total of 669 candidates, 16 candidates were absent.

    According to NTA’s City Coordinator and Principal of DPS Bokaro, Dr. A.S. Gangwar, in the first shift at the center set up at Alpha ICT Center, 214 out of a total of 221 candidates appeared for the exam, while 07 candidates were absent. In the second shift at the same center, 217 out of a total of 219 appeared for the exam and 02 candidates were absent. Similarly, in the first shift at RR Technology Center, 111 out of a total of 114 candidates appeared for the exam, while 03 were absent. Whereas, in the second shift, 111 out of 115 students appeared for the exam and 04 were absent.

    City Coordinator Dr. Gangwar said that the exams are going on peacefully and without any malpractice. On Thursday (30 January), only 54 candidates will appear for the exam in the first shift at Alpha ICT Center.




















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